Full House Midwest
Welcome to Full House Midwest. The #1 Site on the Web for everything Full House!
Of cource If you've serfed on in to this site then you already know what Full House is but If for some weird reason you found this site by acident or were courcious then I'll explain what it is. Full House is a sitcom that aired on ABC from September 22 1987 to March 25 1995. It was created by Jeff Franklin in 1986.
The Story is about a Father(Danny)who get help from his brother and law(Jessie) and his best friend (Joey), raising his three young daughters DJ, Stephanie, Michelle after his wife Pam died. Later on Jessie marries dannies co worker Becky, and they two twin boys, Nicky, and Alex.
Also later on the Show we are introduced to Kimmie(DJ's best friend who lives next door", and Steve(DJ's boyfriend).
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